Friday, October 30, 2009

Vote for SS501 in MNET Asian Music Awards

Triple S and Green peas! Take time to vote for our boys @ the 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards, for Overseas Viewer's Award :)

You can vote everyday!!!!

--edited on oct 31 2009, 4:09 AM

to be able to vote, you must have an MNET account. To register, follow the steps below:

* use IE (Internet Explorer) to avoid any difficulties registering.

1. Go to and click on the link as seen in the screenshot below.

2. Click the icon for Foreigners. If you have browser securities, you may encounter some pop-up windows. Make sure that you click yes to allow.

3. Tick all the checkboxes in the agreement page and click on Save button.

4. When you get to the form to fill-up information enter as indicated. And on the E-mail Validation, click on the Certification button once you entered your email address.

5. You will get a prompt that an email notification has been sent for the Authentication No. Check your email and get the Authentication No.


6. Once you've entered the authentication number on the form (from step 4), click on Save.

7. Login to complete your registration.


* after registering and logging in, go to the link posted above to vote for the MNET Overseas Viewer's Award.
* having difficulties with the instructions above? shoot me an email :)

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