Tuesday, February 2, 2010

[fanart] FT Island and SS501 Caricature

Oh no, no, no! don't get me wrong please... I am not forgetting my dabel-S!!! ^^

it's just that during the times that they are missing in action (until now)... I managed to discover some wonderful young artists! and gah! I really like their Music! I've been a fan of alternative pop-rock Music since highschool! hihi.. aside from Kara, I am liking F.T. Island now! ^^ 

.... and since i was really bored at office work... but on the other hand, inspired to come up with something that would satisfy my right brain....(yes brain.. hehe), I was able to sketch and made some hand-drawn fanarts! haha, i am not that good really.. but at least they can make me smile! ^^


.. and for my latest craze... F.T. Island!

1 comment:

Nadidot Kim said...

my two fav boybands <3 send my regards to baby seunghyun and jonghun when u meet them this march! im in Malaysia so yeah cant go :((

i know this is pathethic since u dont know me, but tell u the truth, we're in this fandom thing so yeah, we're sisters ^^ love your blog <3
